image of New Player In West African Gold Exploration

Stock Chart Zodiac Gold Inc

Writer: Kevin Dwyer CEO,Head Trader
July 15, 2024

Zodiac Gold Inc: An Exciting New Player in West African Gold Exploration

The world of gold exploration has a new entrant with the launch of Zodiac Gold, a company focused on the Todi Gold Project in Liberia, West Africa. With a 100% interest in the district-scale project, Zodiac Gold is poised to capitalize on the region's vast gold potential.

Zodiac Gold's Todi Project

Zodiac Gold's Todi Project covers a 418 sq km area within the fertile Todi Shear Zone, a promising geological setting for gold mineralization. Following extensive exploration work, including soil sampling surveys, geological mapping, trenching, and scout drilling, the company has identified at least five multi-km key gold exploration targets over an 18.5 km strike length.

Zodiac Plans Going Forward

The company's ambitious plans for the Todi Project include aggressive exploration through trenching and diamond drilling, focusing on these highly prospective targets with extensive artisanal workings. Drilling at the Alasala target will commence in early Q3 2024, setting the stage for potentially significant gold discoveries.

Location and Infrastructure

Zodiac Gold's strategic location within Liberia offers a politically stable, mining-friendly jurisdiction. Several large-scale gold deposits have already been discovered in the region. With excellent access to infrastructure and a strong emphasis on sustainable practices, the company is well-positioned to unlock the full potential of its extensive gold exploration assets.

Leadership and Management

Efdal Olcer, Vice President of Exploration at Zodiac Gold, leads the exploration efforts and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the team. As a member of several prestigious geological societies, Olcer is a Qualified Person defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the company's technical and scientific information.

Conclusionary Comments

With its strong leadership, promising exploration targets, and commitment to sustainable practices, Zodiac Gold will significantly impact gold exploration. As President & CEO David Kol stated, "We are excited to launch Zodiac Gold and advance our flagship Todi Project in Liberia. We believe the region holds tremendous potential for world-class gold deposits, and we look forward to realizing this potential through our aggressive exploration strategy."

Important Links

You can find the Investor Presentations here.

All the latest news from Zodiac Gold

Corporate information, including management


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